18 June 2014

Glitch 2: Unresolved

It is with regret and for reasons beyond my control that I have come to a point where I must consider ending my dreadlocking blog here on blogspot.

The issue of the image glitch remains unresolved and aside from the tedious task of re-uploading more than 500 photos I have failed to learn of any other course of action.

I was in half a mind to just ignore the glitch and continue posting as normal however there is every chance that this glitch will occur again which will potentially render any future investment pointless.

All though the documentation of my loc journey has entered a uneventful lull I do wish to continue blogging elsewhere. I, like many of my online loc enthusiasts wish to see the progress and development of my locs in the coming years and from just wanting dreadlocks to establishing a pleasant pastime in online blogging I look forward to continuing with both.

Sincerest apologies to the public and private followers of this blog. I know that for some the move over to another platform will create a inconvenience but I do hope you'll find me at my new location on the web once I confirm were that will be.

Onwards and upwards.


As always, question and comments are very much welcome below.