11 November 2012

Week 32: Weekend Update

Want to know what's going on in Naturalocs' corner of the world? Well I thought I'd jot down a couple of the things that I've been up to this weekend.

First up, I've been ebay-ing like crazy. I don't know why but every now and then I look in my clothes dresser and see nothing but black, white and dark blue or purple. I love colour but I never see anything that really works for me and I never pay full price for anything these days. Here's what's caught my eye lately.

They should arrive soon woohoo!

Secondly, I found a nice little job for the Christmas holidays and finally started last Sunday:

I've never worked in retail before but I have say it's be pleasant so far. I'm looking forward to being part of the Christmas cheer working in the centre of my city. Oh and if any of the hostile, short tempered customers are reading: please be nice, we want you to enjoy Christmas too!

Thirdly and finally, I joined a small and friendly choir a few months ago and yesterday was our first 2012 winter concert performing the highly famed Carmina Burana: a selection of secular medieval poems set to music by Carl Orff in 1935-36. I sang second soprano:

Ii was incredibly enjoyable and had a surprisingly big audience. It was worth all the hard work. I insist you experience a choir at some point. Find out where the nearest carol sing-a-long is and bring a friend!

That's it for now. Busy, busy, busy. As you can see I've been rockin' the headband look this week and I'm glad my little dreads have been part of the fun.



**photography ownership is held with the blog account holder. DONOT use without permission.**


  1. As your confidence grows so will your style to match it. I did not wear eye shadow before I started loc'ing. I guess because I had less hair to cover my face.
    I saw my face as a canvas in which to experiment and take the attention away from my short comb coils.
    Congrats on the Christmas job and joining the choir. I bet you will busy over Christmas.
    Stay blessed.

    1. I have to agree, I've become quite interested in finding a style to match my natural journey. I didn't realise so much could change when I did the big chop.

      Thanks friend :))

  2. Spots and Stripes, Im feeling those dresses!
