26 March 2013

Tools for Thick Locs

Just dropping in to share some recent purchases for my locs. Firstly I decided to invest in a set of duckbill clips which differ from the double and single pronged clips I use when retwisting. I started to notice that the pronged clips would leave indentation marks where they were holding the dread in place.

Large duckbill clips don't compress my locs and can hold several locs at once which will be more comfortable overall. I also bought hair pins which are different from bobby pins and are much better for styling my plump dreadlings:

Much like the duckbill clips, the hair pins don't compress my locs so I can wear them without causing tension and eventual weak spots.

I mentioned buying ouchless bands for the recent style I've been doing. I like how they are just the right size for my locs at this stage, i.e. I only have to loop them once to get a firm hold, again, without compressing them.

Lastly, current hair shots:


**Photography ownership is held with the blog account holder. DONOT use without permission**


  1. Hello, i might have missed this but has your hair fully locked yet? If not, have you considered the crochet method?

    1. Hi, yeah I have looked into crocheted locs in some detail but never considered them myself personally. Do you have experience using this method? I wouldn't know where to start if I were to crochet as the method always appeared to force hair into themselves. I suspect unskilled hands like mine would very quickly cause damage. I would like my locs to tighten up and loc completely but I assume it'll happen in the next six months...still waiting :D

  2. thanks so much for these tips. I use the clips that leave a little indention, so this helps a lot! will be purchasing the clips you recommended.

    thanks and continue to enjoy your journey! I just started:)

  3. I've been trying to figure out how to get rid of the indention from the clips that I use.

    these tips really help! thank you and continue enjoying your journey and sharing.

