17 April 2013

Length: 12 Month Comparison

Moments in a dreadlocking journey where you wonder if things have really changed all that much.

day 1 locs
Day 1

Month 5

Month 12

Day 1

Month 5

Month 12

Day 1
Month 5

1 year locs
Month 12

Amen for progress!


**Photography ownership is held with the blog account holder. DO NOT use without permission**


  1. Amen Amen lol! It sneaks up on you, thats for sure. Takes looking at old pics to realise and go "i dont even remember having hair that short!"

    1. It certainly does, so much changes in a year I'm glad to have pictures. Can't wait to be looking back in another year, now that I'm content with their size all they have to do is get thick and and grow long :)
